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Ag News and Views: December 2017

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Beef Sustainability: A Journey, Not an Endpoint

The entire beef value chain is engaged in a beef sustainability pilot project, which is testing U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef indicators and metrics.

Best Pecans Cultivars for Oklahoma, Texas

Charles Rohla, Ph.D., shares information to help pecan growers choose the best cultivars to grow in Oklahoma and Texas.

How to Compare EPDs Across Breeds

Commercial cow-calf producers can use across-breed expected progeny differences (AB-EPDs) to compare bulls of different breeds and select the right one for their goals.

Know the Soil's Condition Before Reseeding Rangeland

Soil health plays an important role in successful rangeland plantings. Here is what's happening above and below ground.

New Tool for Quick Stocking Rate Calculations

The Noble Research Institute has partnered with NRCS to test the development of tools that will help provide data-based information to farmers and ranchers. The first aims to more quickly and accurately calculate initial stock rates.

Producer Perspective: Meredith Ellis Ulibarri

Meredith Ellis Ulibarri of G Bar C Ranch in Rosston, Texas, is among the Integrity Beef Alliance producers raising calves for a two-year national beef sustainability pilot project. She answers questions about the project.

The Year 2017 in Review

Hugh Aljoe, director of producer relations, calls 2017 "the year of a new beginning." Here are a few highlights from the year.