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Ag News and Views: July 2017

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Early Weaning Benefits First-Calf Cows, Calves

Weaning calves from first-calf cows early offers benefits to the animals and operation. Robert Wells, Ph.D., livestock consultant, shares the advantages and tips.

Lessons Learned as a Livestock Consultant

Bryan Nichols shares the most important lessons he's learned as a livestock consultant before returning to his family's farming and ranching operation.

Producer Spotlight: Dan Ham, Managing for Wildlife

Dan Ham began working with the Noble Research Institute in March 2008 shortly after he purchased property in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. We helped him develop a strategy to achieve his goals of managing the property for wildlife.

Quality Seed: The First Step to a Successful Crop

We can't control weather and markets, but we can almost always use good quality seed. James Locke, soils and crops consultant, shares the components of quality seed.

Time to Collect Pecan Leaf Samples

Beginning and maintaining a leaf sample testing regimen is an important step in establishing an efficient fertilization program, which can maximize productivity while saving money by pinpointing specific nutrient needs.