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Ag News and Views: February 2013

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"New normal" rainfall expectations endanger production

The "new normal" can be defined as the period of time from 1981-2010, a span of 30 years, when Oklahoma rainfall was significantly more abundant than it had been in the previous 87 years.

A biosecurity plan can reduce losses from diseases

Infectious diseases cost cattle producers millions of dollars each year through decreased performance, treatment costs and death loss. While not all losses can be avoided, many can be prevented with a good biosecurity plan.

Association represents prescribed burn practitioners

Many landowners already use prescribed fire for accomplishing their management goals. However, most landowners do not, due to fear of liability as well as a lack of knowledge, labor and equipment.

Social media offers ways to connect

In the last year, we've increased our social media presence to make the Noble Research Institute more accessible, filling numerous sites with our stories, information and findings, and seeking your feedback about topics important to you.

Tax legislation brings clarity for 2013

Many have been anxiously waiting to see what Congress would do with several of the tax laws which were set to expire.

Top-dress strategies optimize winter forage yield

Depending on your crop rotation, most of your crop ground allocated to winter production could be either under winter pasture or winter canola.