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Ag News and Views: November 2012

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Bermudagrass recovery requires managing ryegrass

This article provides management guidelines to benefit from ryegrass while encouraging bermudagrass recovery. While the focus is on ryegrass in bermudagrass, the same principles apply to other cool-season annuals in other warm-season perennial grasses.

Expiring tax provisions affect producers

Agricultural producers make decisions each day using assumptions that are based on uncertainties - things like weather, prices and government regulations. This article discusses a few of the expiring tax provisions that are most important to producers.

Guar beans can serve as alternative crop

Guar is a drought-tolerant legume that was introduced into the United States from India in 1903. Guar (Hindi for "cow food") is an upright, coarse-growing summer annual legume known for its drought tolerance once established.

Online weather resources aid prescribed burns

One of the most important parts of planning and implementing a prescribed burn is weather prediction. Weather prediction resources are available to help us make informed decisions about both fire and smoke behavior before we conduct prescribed burns.

Simple steps add value to calves

Pick up any livestock-related publication these days and you'll probably find an article on adding value to your calf crop.

VLSA helps measure effect of fire on Eastern red-cedar

Eastern red-cedar is a coniferous evergreen tree species that is native to the southeastern United States. However, over the last several decades, this tree has invaded ecological sites where it didn't previously occur, primarily due to fire suppression.