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Ag News and Views: September 2012

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Auction Barn Premiums and Discounts in Oklahoma

As input prices continue to rise for cow-calf producers, it is increasingly important to maximize revenue when marketing calves.

Drought Challenges Bring Opportunities

Update February 2018 During drought conditions, there are many challenges for cattle producers. Grain and feed prices may skyrocket, hay could be in short supply, pasture conditions could very well...

Drought Stress on Pecan Trees

Drought conditions cause extreme stress on pecan trees. It is important for producers to understand the effects of drought and how pecan trees cope with the stress it brings.

Funnel Trap Fish Survey

Funnel trapping provides useful information about fish species present in a pond and likely provides the best option for pond managers to evaluate the presence and abundance of small catfish such as bullheads.

Mourning Dove Abundance Can Be Managed

Mourning dove is the most abundant dove species, the most abundant game bird and one of the most abundant songbirds in southern Oklahoma and north Texas. Many people enjoy watching, feeding, photographing and hunting mourning dove. Yet, it is surprising how few landowners and land managers manage for dove.

Using Winter Pasture as a Hay Replacement

As commodity prices increase and the amount of hay available decreases, many are concerned about feeding their cattle until spring. Winter pasture, while expensive and traditionally thought of for use with stocker cattle, may fit in your cow management system.