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Ag News and Views: May 2012

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Consider Pecan Management Decisions Over Coming Months

It is hard to believe that summer is almost upon us. This has the potential to be a heavy pecan crop year, if the drought has not hurt things too badly. To ensure a good crop, many management decisions need to be considered over the next few months, including proper fertilization and insect and disease control.

Internal Cattle Parasites in 2012

Traditional internal parasite control in cow herds has often been in conjunction with other trips through the chute, such as first calf-working in the early summer and at weaning in the fall. In recent years, however, producers have trended away from the routine of convenient deworming in favor of a more deliberate, strategic approach.

Laboratory Analysis Changes

The Noble Research Institute has changed its contract laboratory for analytical services (soil, water, manure, lime and fertilizer) from Ward Laboratories, Inc., in Kearney, Neb., to Servi-Tech Laboratory Services in Amarillo, Texas.

Managing a Stunted Largemouth Bass Fishery

Many small lakes and ponds across the country are not actively managed for quality or trophy largemouth bass. However, if fishing for largemouth bass is an important goal, lack of or improper management can result in a stunted largemouth bass fishery.

Pasture Weed Control

Due to the drought, there has been a large influx of hay into the Southern Great Plains. Within this hay, weeds - some not native to the region- have been inadvertently distributed into many pastures.

Spring Management Can Increase Fall Calf Values

While external factors may alter cattle prices this fall, your cattle management practices also influence price. Do not overlook value-added management processing opportunities that can be implemented this spring to help ensure the highest price possible for your calves this fall.