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Ag News and Views: February 2012

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Control Thistles During Winter

When thistles bolt and begin to flower each spring, folks who want to control them call the Noble Research Institute. By the time they call, however, it is usually too late in the season. Once thistles become reproductive, they are much harder to control and may have already produced viable seed.

Estimating Deer Weight From Field-dressed Weight

Most deer hunters field dress their game prior to bringing it in from the field. This process usually involves removing the entrails, reproductive tract, heart, lungs, diaphragm and part of the esophagus. As a result, the only weight many hunters obtain for their deer is a field-dressed weight, leaving the whole weight of their quarry unknown.

Shaping Up Pecans with Irrigation

Installation of an irrigation system is one of the most important steps in establishing a new pecan orchard. Water is critical to produce healthy trees capable of optimal fruit production.

The Economic Potential of Grazing-tolerant Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a high quality, perennial legume forage that has potential to be a part of summer stocker grazing programs. However, most of the alfalfa that is produced is primarily harvested and marketed as high quality hay for dairy and equine enterprises.

Wanting more "green" early in spring?

The winter pasture that was planned for last fall may not have developed to expectations or was not planted due to poor moisture conditions going into the fall. What can be planted now to bring about earlier spring pasture?

You Cannot Starve a Profit Into a Cow

Most producers are trying to survive the winter by stretching forage and feed resources. This can be accomplished with careful thought and consultation with a nutritionist to ensure that each cow's nutrient requirements are still being met for the stage of production it is in. If corners are cut to save money now, it can have long lasting repercussions.