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Ag News and Views: April 2006

For a Green Winter Lawn (and Maybe Some Peace of Mind), Plant Cool-Season Grass

This article will give you a method for doing something to give you a little peace of mind - plus a green lawn - during the winter when everyone has a dormant warm-season lawn.

How Do You Compare With Your Competitors?

No, I'm not talking about the chicken or the pork guys. It's the other cow-calf producers in your area, in the states of Oklahoma or Texas, the United States and even in foreign countries.

Spring is Prime Time for Plant ID

Spring is when many land managers are interested in identifying plants for various purposes, including grazing and wildlife habitat management.

There's Power in Information - Use it to Your Advantage

There is a difference between keeping information and using information. I have witnessed very few producers actually using the information they have kept to make management decisions.

Top 7 Reasons Pasture Weed Control Programs Don't Work

This month, I want to identify and briefly discuss the top seven reasons I see that pasture weed control programs don't work as well as they should.

What if You Don't Use the Internet?

Because the Internet offers good opportunities to deliver information quickly and at a very low cost, many organizations, including the Noble Research Institute, continue to expand their use of this very valuable tool.

What is the Real Value of Hay?

With the increase in fertility costs, I thought it timely to revisit the subject of hay and see what the value of a 1,200-pound round bale might actually be.