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Ag News and Views: April 2002

Don't Cut It - Whack It

The "bush-whacking" method combines a backpack sprayer with a straight shaft power trimmer for ease and speed in controlling thin to moderate stands of woody plants.

Hoop House Heat: A Double Edged Sword

Properly-managed hoop house heat can generate additional dollars for growers &nash; but too much heat can create unfavorable hoop house conditions for both plants and people.

Looking For The "Silver Bullet" In Our Forage Arsenal

Spring is here and we are almost out of time to make those last minute decisions on what to plant for summer grazing. Each year during April, we receive numerous phone calls inquiring about planting...

Machinery Considerations

Arriving at the proper complement of machinery and equipment for each farm and ranch operation involves the analysis of a number of factors.

New Position: Research & Demonstration Manager

Bryan Unruh oversees the day-to-day operations of 43 current R&D projects on the Noble Research Institute's five farms, along with coordinating the Foundation's part in collaborative research with other institutions.

Prioritize This Spring

Reproduction is the most important concept that profit-driven producers should keep in mind when designing herd health and nutrition programs.

What Can Soil Testing Do Well?

Soil testing is a good tool, but it's not perfect. Knowing the limitations of soil testing can help producers make the best use of the test results.