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Noble News and Views: April 2020

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From the Pilot’s Seat: The Integrity Beef Sustainability Project

In 2017, representatives from Noble Research Institute, Integrity Beef Alliance, Beef Marketing Group, Tyson Foods, Golden State Foods and McDonald’s set out to test the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef metrics and align the segments of the beef supply chain.

3 New Build-Your-Own Garden Planter Construction Guides

All of our tire-based planters have application in the home or school garden while some have commercial application.

Goals for Small Grains Breeding at Noble Research Institute

The primary goal of Noble Research Institute’s Small Grains Breeding Program is to develop small grains cultivars with increased grazing tolerance, winter hardiness, forage yield and forage quality to benefit livestock production.

Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Bermudagrass

Bermudagrass is a common warm-season perennial grass used in agriculture and for turf. Improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is a common target of bermudagrass breeding programs.

Seed Certification: What Is It and What Does It Mean for You?

The certified seed tag is an assurance that the seed inside the bag is the variety stated and it has met the required standards for germination and purity by the inspecting agency.