Prescribed Fire

Not Just Another Bandage for Pecan Scab

A discovery about pecan scab reproduction could give producers a new way to fight the fungus and potentially save them thousands of dollars in the process.

What Fire Does to Soil Microbes

Soil microorganisms are among the most successful creatures on the planet.

Prescribed Burn Associations are Getting Fire on the Ground

Land managers work together to safely conduct prescribed burns across Oklahoma.

Why We Need Prescribed Fire

Fire is essential to the health of the Southern Great Plains. Prescribed fire is a management tool that benefits the land in a safe, planned way.

Prescribed Fire Is Essential to the Land

Prescribed fire, grazing and rest are integral processes for maintaining the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community in the Southern Great Plains and throughout the U.S.

Prescribed Fire Offers Many Benefits to Producers, Public

The Noble Research Institute, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, the Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association (OPBA), and the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture will co-host a Growing Season Prescribed Burn Field Day to discuss the benefits and proper use of prescribed burning for land management.

Hay Rakes Can Help Build Better Firebreaks

Many decisions go into planning a safe and effective prescribed burn that meets your management goals. You will need to determine your burn objectives and consider the weather as well as personnel and equipment needs. You’ll also need to prepare firebreaks, something that ranks high on the list to safely conduct a burn.

Find Out Why and How to Burn at Great Plains Fire Summit

Many decisions go into planning a safe and effective prescribed burn that meets your management goals. You will need to determine your burn objectives and consider the weather as well as personnel and equipment needs. You’ll also need to prepare firebreaks, something that ranks high on the list to safely conduct a burn.

Evaluating the Most Economic Way to Improve Range

On many agricultural operations, there are always projects to work on. Often, range management or improvement projects fall in the nonessential category until they reach a critical point. However, it is best to consider whether there is a financial incentive (or penalty) for waiting until there is a critical mass to address this type of project.

3 Things to Know When Using Both Fire and Grazing on the Ranch

Many land managers incorporate prescribed fires into a management plan alongside grazing livestock. Other land managers feel it is not feasible to graze and burn on the same operation. But when prescribed fire is used strategically, its benefits outweigh any negatives.