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Dan Childs News

Planning for the Transfer of Your Estate

Making decisions concerning the transfer of assets in one’s estate is difficult and can be the most procrastinated activity for all of mankind.

The Road To Retirement

Brent and Sheri Kuehny begin building a cow herd in order to better achieve their goals.

Three historical principles lead to successful planning

Success means different things to different people. History shows us that favorable outcomes are more likely when plans are made and executed.

Planning readies ranchers for farm economy downturn

The sky is not falling, but more challenging times are ahead.

Tax Code Offers Some Flexibility During Drought

The tax implications of cattle sales caused by a drought are fairly straight-forward. There are two different tax treatments that apply.

Tax legislation brings clarity for 2013

Many have been anxiously waiting to see what Congress would do with several of the tax laws which were set to expire.

Managing Feed Costs

Purchased feed represents the greatest portion of variable costs for cow-calf producers according to the Kansas Farm Management Association. From the middle of June 2010 to the middle of June 2011, the price of corn more than doubled. During the same period, soybean prices increased nearly 50 percent.

Tax Considerations When Buying or Selling a Farm

The cost of buying or selling a farm can be overshadowed by decisions that postpone the payment of income taxes.

Expiring tax provisions affect producers

Agricultural producers make decisions each day using assumptions that are based on uncertainties - things like weather, prices and government regulations. This article discusses a few of the expiring tax provisions that are most important to producers.

Agriculture remains better positioned for future

The agriculture industry is much better positioned to weather the next few years than the industry was in the 1980s.

Managing Risk in Volatile Times

Agriculture input and commodity prices seemed to be on a rollercoaster during the last few months of 2010, with the inclines being longer and more sustained than the short dips down. This left general price levels much higher than forecasts of only a few short months ago.

Weather damage raises tax implications

Landowners making repairs and rebuilding will incur cost. How will these be reported on the 2015 tax return?

Supply and demand influence corn prices

In a free market economy, price is ultimately determined by the supply and demand for a product or commodity. Short-term price gyrations often occur and can be influenced by market reactions to news concerning such things as weather, government reports and/or policy.

Land sale taxes determined by asset allocation

Buying or selling land is seldom a simple matter. When improvements exist on the land, questions arise concerning what portion of the transaction price is allocated to each improvement.

State of the 2012 Cattle Industry

The cattle industry is experiencing both production and market conditions that are unique and uncommon for the industry. Extreme heat and drought conditions caused double digit percentage declines in beef cattle numbers in Texas and Oklahoma.

Guar beans can serve as alternative crop

Guar is a drought-tolerant legume that was introduced into the United States from India in 1903. Guar (Hindi for "cow food") is an upright, coarse-growing summer annual legume known for its drought tolerance once established.

Consultant offers strategies for cattle marketing decisions

The downward spiraling cattle market has caused great grief. What's the best strategy going forward?

Assessing the Value of Pecan Trees

It is the intent of this publication to provide methodology that appraisers, tax preparers and other interested parties can use in determining the value of pecan trees. View Publication

Net Worth Statement: Instructions and Forms

This publication is specifically designed to help agricultural producers determine the financial condition of their operation at a certain point in time. It provides guidelines, definitions and...

2014 Cattle Cycle Book

Examining the cattle price cycle and basis calculations can be beneficial for decision making within many types of cattle operations. Basis tables can help producers determine net prices when using...

2012 Cattle Cycle Book

A cattle cycle exists because of the accumulation and liquidation of cattle inventory. Accumulation is a period of increasing cattle numbers, while liquidation is a period of decreasing cattle...

2011 Cattle Cycle Book

Having a good working knowledge of the cattle cycle is one of the keys for economic success in the livestock business. This is true whether one is in a cow-calf operation, a forage grazing operation,...

Factors that Contributed to Transition in the U.S. Beef Market

Prices don't seem quite as rosy as they did a couple of years ago. We've come down from some of the highest highs we've ever seen. Now, the reality of harder times stares us in the face. How did we...

Don't Get Surprised at Market Time: Know Value of Gain

Value of gain (VOG) can be useful information for cattle producers who are contemplating purchasing cattle or making retained ownership or marketing decisions for currently owned cattle. VOG can be...

Planning for the Next Generation

As the most populous generation in United States history (commonly referred to as the baby boomer generation) ages into retirement and their elder years, the need to plan for the transfer of their...

The 40-year-long Look

Dan Childs, the Noble Research Institute's longest tenured agricultural consultant, revisits the organization's past and looks toward its future.

What to Know When Negotiating a Land Transaction

Avoid surprises during a land transaction by considering economic factors, such as the prices of depreciable assets and who will pay what at closing.

When and How to Prepare a Farm Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a standard operating procedure for many businesses, including farms and ranches. It is the best way to determine if an entity is financially progressing over time.

Planning For Tax Filing Time on the Farm or Ranch

Noble Research Institute researchers have been looking at two methods in cow-calf production to extend the grazing season on bermudagrass-based pastures and reduce winter feeding of stored feeds.

Planning for the Transfer of Your Estate

Making decisions concerning the transfer of assets in one’s estate is difficult and can be the most procrastinated activity for all of mankind.

Price Protection Can Help Cattle Producers in Volatile Markets

Hedging and Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) are two ways to protect prices for cattle during market fluctuations seen during the coronavirus pandemic. 

End-of-Year Tax Planning for Farmers and Ranchers

Understand the ways the IRS offers taxpayers to manage taxable income, and make prudent tax management decisions by knowing your income and expenses for the year.

Agricultural Lease Options to Consider

Landowners who choose not to operate their land have several options when considering lease agreements. This article reviews the options from a landowner's prospective.

Carry capacity influences leased land value

Profits from grain and livestock enterprises generally impact the rental rates on lands that are used to grow these commodities.

Guidelines for Culling Cows

For most cattle producers, culling cows is not an easy task. However, some culling needs to be done each year to maintain optimal productivity.

Overcoming Barriers to Entry for the Next Generation of Ranchers

As U.S. farmers age, 70% of farmland could change hands by 2031. Effective transition to the next generation requires overcoming several barriers to entry.